Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933

Titles in bold are on the Classics of Science Fiction v5 list.

Title Author/Editor Year↥ Citations Reviews
The Food of the Gods H. G. Wells 1904
1976Anatomy of Wonder: Science Fiction, 1st Edition by Neil Barron
2016SF Masterworks
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
The Master of the World Jules Verne 1904
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
The Napoleon of Notting Hill G. K. Chesterton 1904
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
Lieut. Gullivar Jones: His Vacation Edwin Lester Arnold 1905
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
Sultana's Dream Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain 1905
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
With the Night Mail Rudyard Kipling 1905
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
An Anglo-American Alliance Gregory Casparian 1906
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
The Iron Heel Jack London 1907
1976Anatomy of Wonder: Science Fiction, 1st Edition by Neil Barron
2003The Cambridge Companion to Science Fiction edited by Edward James and Farah Mendlesohn
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
Ozma of Oz L. Frank Baum 1907
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
Docteur Lerne, sous-dieu (Doctor Lerne, Undergod) Maurice Renard 1908
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
Le Prisonnier de la Planète Mars Gustave Le Rouge 1908
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
Red Star Alexander Bogdanov 1908
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
The Machine Stops E. M. Forster 1909
1987Anatomy of Wonder: A Critical Guide to Science Fiction, 3rd Edition by Neil Barron
2004Anatomy of Wonder: A Critical Guide to Science Fiction, 5th Edition by Neil Barron
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
The Blue Beril Maurice Renard 1910
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
Alraune Hanns Heinz Ewer 1911
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
Gestes et opinions du docteur Faustroll pataphysicien Alfred Jarry 1911
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
The Hampdenshire Wonder J. D. Beresford 1911
1976The World of Science Fiction by Lester Del Rey
1984The Science Fiction Source Book edited by David Wingrove
1987Anatomy of Wonder: A Critical Guide to Science Fiction, 3rd Edition by Neil Barron
2003The Cambridge Companion to Science Fiction edited by Edward James and Farah Mendlesohn
2004Anatomy of Wonder: A Critical Guide to Science Fiction, 5th Edition by Neil Barron
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
The Nyctalope on Mars Jean de La Hire 1911
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
The Lost World Arthur Conan Doyle 1912
1949The Seventeen Basic SF Titles - Arkham Sampler
1976Anatomy of Wonder: Science Fiction, 1st Edition by Neil Barron
1987Anatomy of Wonder: A Critical Guide to Science Fiction, 3rd Edition by Neil Barron
1994The Ultimate Guide to Science Fiction by David Pringle
2002Strictly Science Fiction: A Guide to Reading Interests by Diana Tixier Herald and Bonnie Kunzel
2004Anatomy of Wonder: A Critical Guide to Science Fiction, 5th Edition by Neil Barron
2006100 Must-Read Science Fiction Novels
2016Sci-Fi Lists Top 200 - novel
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
2016Easton Press Masterpieces of Science Fiction
The Night Land William Hope Hodgson 1912
1979A Reader's Guide to Science Fiction by Baird Searles, et al.
1984The Science Fiction Source Book edited by David Wingrove
2004Anatomy of Wonder: A Critical Guide to Science Fiction, 5th Edition by Neil Barron
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
The Scarlet Plague Jack London 1912
1976Anatomy of Wonder: Science Fiction, 1st Edition by Neil Barron
2003The Cambridge Companion to Science Fiction edited by Edward James and Farah Mendlesohn
2016Gunn Center for the Study of Science Fiction: A Basic Science Fiction Library
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
2016How Great Science Fiction Works by Gary K. Wolfe
The Vacant World George Allan England 1912
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
Le Mystérieux Docteur Cornelius Gustave Le Rouge 1912-13
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
Goslings J. D. Beresford 1913
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
The Mystery of Dr. Fu-Manchu Sax Rohmer 1913
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
The Poison Belt Arthur Conan Doyle 1913
1976Anatomy of Wonder: Science Fiction, 1st Edition by Neil Barron
1987Anatomy of Wonder: A Critical Guide to Science Fiction, 3rd Edition by Neil Barron
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
2016Easton Press Masterpieces of Science Fiction
Angel Island Inez Haynes Irwin 1914
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
The Flying Inn G. K. Chesterton 1914
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
Locus Solus Raymond Roussel 1914
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
The World Set Free H. G. Wells 1914
1976Anatomy of Wonder: Science Fiction, 1st Edition by Neil Barron
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
Herland Charlotte Perkins Gilman 1915
1987Anatomy of Wonder: A Critical Guide to Science Fiction, 3rd Edition by Neil Barron
1996North American College Courses in Science Fiction, Utopian Literature, and Fantasy edited by Arthur B. Evans
2003The Cambridge Companion to Science Fiction edited by Edward James and Farah Mendlesohn
2004Feminist Science Fiction and Fantasy by Cynthia Ward
20091000 novels everyone must read (science fiction section)
2014Mistressworks by Ian Sales
2016Sci Femme: The Reading List edited by Shannon Turlington
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
Voyage to Faremido: Gulliver's Fifth Voyage Frigyes Karinthy 1916
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
Drowsy J. A. Mitchell 1917
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
The Messiah of the Cylinder Victor Rousseau 1917
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
A Princess of Mars Edgar Rice Burroughs 1917
1976Anatomy of Wonder: Science Fiction, 1st Edition by Neil Barron
1976The World of Science Fiction by Lester Del Rey
1977"A Basic Science-Fiction Library" from The Road to Science Fiction by James Gunn
1979A Reader's Guide to Science Fiction by Baird Searles, et al.
1984The Science Fiction Source Book edited by David Wingrove
1987Anatomy of Wonder: A Critical Guide to Science Fiction, 3rd Edition by Neil Barron
1996North American College Courses in Science Fiction, Utopian Literature, and Fantasy edited by Arthur B. Evans
2002Strictly Science Fiction: A Guide to Reading Interests by Diana Tixier Herald and Bonnie Kunzel
2004Anatomy of Wonder: A Critical Guide to Science Fiction, 5th Edition by Neil Barron
2006100 Must-Read Science Fiction Novels
20091000 novels everyone must read (science fiction section)
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
2016Easton Press Masterpieces of Science Fiction
2016Goodreads Best Science Fiction 100
2016Ranker: The Greatest Science Fiction Novels of All Time
2016Gunn Center for the Study of Science Fiction: A Basic Science Fiction Library
2016How Great Science Fiction Works by Gary K. Wolfe
2016Sci-Fi Lists Top 200 - novel
2019Worlds Without End: Most Read Books of All-Time
2020Library of America Science Fiction
The Gods of Mars Edgar Rice Burroughs 1918
1976Anatomy of Wonder: Science Fiction, 1st Edition by Neil Barron
2002Strictly Science Fiction: A Guide to Reading Interests by Diana Tixier Herald and Bonnie Kunzel
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
Meccania: The Super-State Owen Gregory 1918
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
The Heads of Cerberus Francis Stevens 1919
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
The Moon Pool A. Merritt 1919
1976The World of Science Fiction by Lester Del Rey
1977"A Basic Science-Fiction Library" from The Road to Science Fiction by James Gunn
1979A Reader's Guide to Science Fiction by Baird Searles, et al.
2016Gunn Center for the Study of Science Fiction: A Basic Science Fiction Library
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
2016Easton Press Masterpieces of Science Fiction
What Not: A Prophetic Comedy Rose Macaulay 1919
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
When the World Shook H. Rider Haggard 1919
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
The People of the Ruins Edward Shanks 1920
2004Anatomy of Wonder: A Critical Guide to Science Fiction, 5th Edition by Neil Barron
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
A Voyage to Arcturus David Lindsay 1920
1984The Science Fiction Source Book edited by David Wingrove
1987Anatomy of Wonder: A Critical Guide to Science Fiction, 3rd Edition by Neil Barron
2003The Cambridge Companion to Science Fiction edited by Edward James and Farah Mendlesohn
2004Anatomy of Wonder: A Critical Guide to Science Fiction, 5th Edition by Neil Barron
20091000 novels everyone must read (science fiction section)
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
Back to Methuselah George Bernard Shaw 1921
1976Anatomy of Wonder: Science Fiction, 1st Edition by Neil Barron
1987Anatomy of Wonder: A Critical Guide to Science Fiction, 3rd Edition by Neil Barron
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
Capillaria Frigyes Karinthy 1921
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
The Devolutionist Homer Eon Flint 1921
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
At the Earth's Core Edgar Rice Burroughs 1922
1976Anatomy of Wonder: Science Fiction, 1st Edition by Neil Barron
1987Anatomy of Wonder: A Critical Guide to Science Fiction, 3rd Edition by Neil Barron
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
Theodore Savage Cicely Hamilton 1922
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
The Tremendous Event Maurice LeBlanc 1922
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
Aelita Aleksey Tolstoy 1923
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
The Clockwork Man E. V. Odle 1923
1987Anatomy of Wonder: A Critical Guide to Science Fiction, 3rd Edition by Neil Barron
2003The Cambridge Companion to Science Fiction edited by Edward James and Farah Mendlesohn
2004Anatomy of Wonder: A Critical Guide to Science Fiction, 5th Edition by Neil Barron
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
Nordenholt's Millions J. J. Connington 1923
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
R.U.R. Karel Čapek 1923
1976Anatomy of Wonder: Science Fiction, 1st Edition by Neil Barron
1977"A Basic Science-Fiction Library" from The Road to Science Fiction by James Gunn
1987Anatomy of Wonder: A Critical Guide to Science Fiction, 3rd Edition by Neil Barron
1996North American College Courses in Science Fiction, Utopian Literature, and Fantasy edited by Arthur B. Evans
2002Strictly Science Fiction: A Guide to Reading Interests by Diana Tixier Herald and Bonnie Kunzel
2003The Cambridge Companion to Science Fiction edited by Edward James and Farah Mendlesohn
2004Anatomy of Wonder: A Critical Guide to Science Fiction, 5th Edition by Neil Barron
2016Gunn Center for the Study of Science Fiction: A Basic Science Fiction Library
2016SF Masterworks
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
The Land that Time Forgot Edgar Rice Burroughs 1924
1976Anatomy of Wonder: Science Fiction, 1st Edition by Neil Barron
1987Anatomy of Wonder: A Critical Guide to Science Fiction, 3rd Edition by Neil Barron
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
The Millennium Upton Sinclair 1924
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
We Yevgeny Zamyatin 1924
1976Anatomy of Wonder: Science Fiction, 1st Edition by Neil Barron
1977"A Basic Science-Fiction Library" from The Road to Science Fiction by James Gunn
1984The Science Fiction Source Book edited by David Wingrove
1987Anatomy of Wonder: A Critical Guide to Science Fiction, 3rd Edition by Neil Barron
1996North American College Courses in Science Fiction, Utopian Literature, and Fantasy edited by Arthur B. Evans
2003The Cambridge Companion to Science Fiction edited by Edward James and Farah Mendlesohn
2004Anatomy of Wonder: A Critical Guide to Science Fiction, 5th Edition by Neil Barron
20091000 novels everyone must read (science fiction section)
2016Gunn Center for the Study of Science Fiction: A Basic Science Fiction Library
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
2016Sci-Fi Lists Top 200 - novel
2016Easton Press Masterpieces of Science Fiction
2016Goodreads Best Science Fiction 100
2016How Great Science Fiction Works by Gary K. Wolfe
2016Goodreads Best Science Fiction & Fantasy 200
The Amphibians S. Fowler Wright 1924-25
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
Heart of a Dog Mikhail Bulgakov 1925
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
Krakatit Karel Čapek 1925
1987Anatomy of Wonder: A Critical Guide to Science Fiction, 3rd Edition by Neil Barron
2016Gunn Center for the Study of Science Fiction: A Basic Science Fiction Library
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
The Navigators of Infinity J. -H. Rosny aîné 1925
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
Out of the Silence Erle Cox 1925
1949The Seventeen Basic SF Titles - Arkham Sampler
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
Ralph 124C 41+ Hugo Gernsback 1925
1976Anatomy of Wonder: Science Fiction, 1st Edition by Neil Barron
2003The Cambridge Companion to Science Fiction edited by Edward James and Farah Mendlesohn
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
Metropolis Thea von Harbou 1926
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
The Moon Maid Edgar Rice Burroughs 1926
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
The Negro President Monteiro Lobato 1926
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
The Absolute at Large Karel Čapek 1927
1976Anatomy of Wonder: Science Fiction, 1st Edition by Neil Barron
1984The Science Fiction Source Book edited by David Wingrove
1987Anatomy of Wonder: A Critical Guide to Science Fiction, 3rd Edition by Neil Barron
2016Gunn Center for the Study of Science Fiction: A Basic Science Fiction Library
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
The Color Out of Space H. P. Lovecraft 1927
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
Deluge S. Fowler Wright 1927
1987Anatomy of Wonder: A Critical Guide to Science Fiction, 3rd Edition by Neil Barron
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
The Man with Six Senses Muriel Jaeger 1927
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
Amphibian Man Alexander Belyae 1928
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
Armageddon—2419 A.D. Philip Francis Nowlan 1928
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
When the World Screamed Arthur Conan Doyle 1928
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
The Bedbug Vladimir Mayakovsky 1929
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
The Greatest Adventure John Taine 1929
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
The Black Monarch Paul Ernst 1930
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
The Day the World Ended Sax Rohmer 1930
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
Gladiator Philip Wylie 1930
1949The Seventeen Basic SF Titles - Arkham Sampler
1987Anatomy of Wonder: A Critical Guide to Science Fiction, 3rd Edition by Neil Barron
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
Insatiability Stanislaw Ignacy Witkiewicz 1930
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
Last and First Men Olaf Stapledon 1930
1949The Seventeen Basic SF Titles - Arkham Sampler
1974Modern Science Fiction edited by Norman Spinrad
1975Locus Poll Best All-Time Science Fiction Novels
1976Anatomy of Wonder: Science Fiction, 1st Edition by Neil Barron
1977"A Basic Science-Fiction Library" from The Road to Science Fiction by James Gunn
1979A Reader's Guide to Science Fiction by Baird Searles, et al.
1984The Science Fiction Source Book edited by David Wingrove
1987Anatomy of Wonder: A Critical Guide to Science Fiction, 3rd Edition by Neil Barron
1987Locus Poll Best All-Time Science Fiction Novels
1994The Ultimate Guide to Science Fiction by David Pringle
1996North American College Courses in Science Fiction, Utopian Literature, and Fantasy edited by Arthur B. Evans
1998Locus Poll Best All-Time Science Fiction Novels
2002Strictly Science Fiction: A Guide to Reading Interests by Diana Tixier Herald and Bonnie Kunzel
2003The Cambridge Companion to Science Fiction edited by Edward James and Farah Mendlesohn
2004Anatomy of Wonder: A Critical Guide to Science Fiction, 5th Edition by Neil Barron
2012Locus Poll Best 20th Century Science Fiction Novels
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
2016SF Masterworks
2016Gunn Center for the Study of Science Fiction: A Basic Science Fiction Library
2016How Great Science Fiction Works by Gary K. Wolfe
2016Sci-Fi Lists Top 200 - novel
2020Top 100 Sci Fi Books - Movie Death Cult
The Last Hero Leslie Charteris 1930
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
The Face in the Abyss A. Merritt 1931
1976The World of Science Fiction by Lester Del Rey
2016Gunn Center for the Study of Science Fiction: A Basic Science Fiction Library
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
No Traveller Returns John Collier 1931
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
Seeds of Life John Taine 1931
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
Brave New World Aldous Huxley 1932
1949The Seventeen Basic SF Titles - Arkham Sampler
1952Astounding Magazine, the Twenty-Eight All-Time Best SF Books
1956Astounding Magazine, The Twenty-Six All-Time Best SF Books
1974Modern Science Fiction edited by Norman Spinrad
1976The World of Science Fiction by Lester Del Rey
1976Anatomy of Wonder: Science Fiction, 1st Edition by Neil Barron
1977"A Basic Science-Fiction Library" from The Road to Science Fiction by James Gunn
1984The Science Fiction Source Book edited by David Wingrove
1987Anatomy of Wonder: A Critical Guide to Science Fiction, 3rd Edition by Neil Barron
1994The Ultimate Guide to Science Fiction by David Pringle
1996North American College Courses in Science Fiction, Utopian Literature, and Fantasy edited by Arthur B. Evans
2002Strictly Science Fiction: A Guide to Reading Interests by Diana Tixier Herald and Bonnie Kunzel
2003The Cambridge Companion to Science Fiction edited by Edward James and Farah Mendlesohn
2004Anatomy of Wonder: A Critical Guide to Science Fiction, 5th Edition by Neil Barron
2006100 Must-Read Science Fiction Novels
20091000 novels everyone must read (science fiction section)
2011NPR Top 100 Science-Fiction, Fantasy Books
2011Internet Top 100 SF/Fantasy List
2012AbeBooks: 50 Essential Science Fiction Books
2012Locus Poll Best 20th Century Science Fiction Novels
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
2016Amazon: 100 Sci-Fi & Fantasy Books to Read in a Lifetime
2016Goodreads Best Science Fiction 100
2016Ranker: The Greatest Science Fiction Novels of All Time
2016Gunn Center for the Study of Science Fiction: A Basic Science Fiction Library
2016Sci-Fi Lists Top 200 - novel
2016Best-Sci-Fi-Books: 31 Best Literary Science Fiction Books
2016Goodreads Best Science Fiction & Fantasy 200
2019Worlds Without End: Most Read Books of All-Time
2019100 Best Sci-Fi Books of All Time - Reedsydiscovery
2019The Best Sci-Fi Books of All Time - Penguin Random House
2020Top 100 Sci Fi Books - Movie Death Cult
2022The 50 Best Sci-Fi Books of All Time - Esquire Magazine
2024SciFiScavenger's 2024 Poll of All-Time Favorite SF Books
Last Men in London Olaf Stapledon 1932
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
Zothique Clark Ashton Smith 1932-53
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
Tom's A-Cold John Collier 1933
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
When Worlds Collide Philip WylieEdwin Balmer 1933
1976The World of Science Fiction by Lester Del Rey
2002Strictly Science Fiction: A Guide to Reading Interests by Diana Tixier Herald and Bonnie Kunzel
2012AbeBooks: 50 Essential Science Fiction Books
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
The Machine to Kill Gaston Leroux 1935
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
The Skylark of Space Edward E. Smith 1946
1976The World of Science Fiction by Lester Del Rey
1987Anatomy of Wonder: A Critical Guide to Science Fiction, 3rd Edition by Neil Barron
2003The Cambridge Companion to Science Fiction edited by Edward James and Farah Mendlesohn
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
2016Easton Press Masterpieces of Science Fiction
2016How Great Science Fiction Works by Gary K. Wolfe
The Time Stream John Taine 1946
1987Anatomy of Wonder: A Critical Guide to Science Fiction, 3rd Edition by Neil Barron
2004Anatomy of Wonder: A Critical Guide to Science Fiction, 5th Edition by Neil Barron
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
Spacehounds of IPC Edward E. Smith 1947
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
Northwest Smith C. L. Moore 1953
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
2023The 25 Best Science Fiction Books I've Ever Read (Parts 1 and 2) - Outlaw Bookseller
The Man Who Awoke Laurence Manning 1975
1976The World of Science Fiction by Lester Del Rey
2004Anatomy of Wonder: A Critical Guide to Science Fiction, 5th Edition by Neil Barron
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
The Fatal Eggs Mikhail Bulgakov 2003
2004Anatomy of Wonder: A Critical Guide to Science Fiction, 5th Edition by Neil Barron
2016Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best Novels of 1904-1933 by Josh Glenn
Books: 95