Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel

Titles in bold are on the Classics of Science Fiction v5 list.

Title↥ Author/Editor Year Citations Reviews
Accelerando Charles Stross 2005
Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel
Hugo Award - Novel Finalist
2012Locus Poll Best 21st Century Science Fiction Novels
2012Science Fiction the 101 Best Novels 1985-2010 by Damien Broderick and Paul Di Filippo
2016Sci-Fi Lists Top 200 - novel
2016Gunn Center for the Study of Science Fiction: A Basic Science Fiction Library
2016Goodreads Best Science Fiction of the 21st Century
2020The Best Modern Classic Science Fiction Books
2022Best Science Fiction of the 21st Century (Listopia/Goodreads 6/25/22)
2022The 25 Best Sci-Fi Books from the 2000s Decade - The Portalist
2023My Top 25 Science Fiction Books of the 21st Century by the Outlaw Bookseller
2024Classic Science Fiction - 2000-2009 - Goodreads/Listopia (1/29/24)
Anathem Neal Stephenson 2008
Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel
Hugo Award - Novel Finalist
2011NPR Top 100 Science-Fiction, Fantasy Books
2012Locus Poll Best 21st Century Science Fiction Novels
2016Goodreads Best Science Fiction of the 21st Century
2016Goodreads Best Science Fiction & Fantasy 200
2016Goodreads Best Science Fiction 100
2016Sci-Fi Lists Top 200 - novel
2019Worlds Without End: Most Read Books of All-Time
2019100 Best Sci-Fi Books of All Time - Reedsydiscovery
2020Top 100 Sci Fi Books - Movie Death Cult
2022Best Science Fiction of the 21st Century (Listopia/Goodreads 6/25/22)
2022The 25 Best Sci-Fi Books from the 2000s Decade - The Portalist
2024Classic Science Fiction - 2000-2009 - Goodreads/Listopia (1/29/24)
2024SciFiScavenger's 2024 Poll of All-Time Favorite SF Books
Ancillary Mercy Ann Leckie 2015
Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel
Hugo Award - Novel Finalist
Nebula Award - Novel Finalist
2016Sci Femme: The Reading List edited by Shannon Turlington
2024Best Sci-Fi of the 2010s - Goodreads/Listopia (1/29/24)
Ancillary Sword Ann Leckie 2014
British Science Fiction Association Awards
Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel
Hugo Award - Novel Finalist
Nebula Award - Novel Finalist
2016Sci Femme: The Reading List edited by Shannon Turlington
2021Worlds Without End: Award Winning Books by Women Authors
2022Best Science Fiction of the 21st Century (Listopia/Goodreads 6/25/22)
2024Best Sci-Fi of the 2010s - Goodreads/Listopia (1/29/24)
The Baroque Cycle Neal Stephenson 2004
Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel
2012Locus Poll Best 21st Century Science Fiction Novels
Barrayar Lois McMaster Bujold 1991
Hugo Award - Novel Winner
Nebula Award - Novel Finalist
Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel
2004Anatomy of Wonder: A Critical Guide to Science Fiction, 5th Edition by Neil Barron
2005ISFDB Top 100 Books (Balanced List)
2011Internet Top 100 SF/Fantasy List
2012Locus Poll Best 20th Century Science Fiction Novels
2012Science Fiction the 101 Best Novels 1985-2010 by Damien Broderick and Paul Di Filippo
2016Goodreads Best Science Fiction & Fantasy 200
2016Goodreads Science Fiction Books by Female Authors
2016Gunn Center for the Study of Science Fiction: A Basic Science Fiction Library
2016Sci-Fi Lists Top 200 - novel
2019Worlds Without End: Most Read Books of All-Time
2021Worlds Without End: Award Winning Books by Women Authors
Blackout/All Clear Connie Willis 2010
Nebula Award - Novel Winner
Hugo Award - Novel Winner
Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel
2012Locus Poll Best 21st Century Science Fiction Novels
2016Sci Femme: The Reading List edited by Shannon Turlington
2016Goodreads Best Science Fiction of the 21st Century
2019Worlds Without End: Most Read Books of All-Time
2021Worlds Without End: Award Winning Books by Women Authors
2022Best Science Fiction of the 21st Century (Listopia/Goodreads 6/25/22)
2024Best Sci-Fi of the 2010s - Goodreads/Listopia (1/29/24)
Blue Mars Kim Stanley Robinson 1997
Hugo Award - Novel Winner
Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel
2005ISFDB Top 100 Books (Balanced List)
2011NPR Top 100 Science-Fiction, Fantasy Books
2016Gunn Center for the Study of Science Fiction: A Basic Science Fiction Library
2019Worlds Without End: Most Read Books of All-Time
Boneshaker Cherie Priest 2009
Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel
Hugo Award - Novel Finalist
Nebula Award - Novel Finalist
2012Science Fiction the 101 Best Novels 1985-2010 by Damien Broderick and Paul Di Filippo
2016Sci Femme: The Reading List edited by Shannon Turlington
2016Goodreads Best Science Fiction of the 21st Century
2016Book Riot 100 Must-Read Sci-Fi Fantasy Novels by Female Authors
2019Worlds Without End: Most Read Books of All-Time
2021Worlds Without End: Award Winning Books by Women Authors
2022Best Science Fiction of the 21st Century (Listopia/Goodreads 6/25/22)
2022The 25 Best Sci-Fi Books from the 2000s Decade - The Portalist
2024Classic Science Fiction - 2000-2009 - Goodreads/Listopia (1/29/24)
The Calculating Stars Mary Robinette Kowal 2018
Nebula Award - Novel Winner
Hugo Award - Novel Winner
Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel
2020The Best Modern Classic Science Fiction Books
202015 Recent Sci-Fi Books That Forever Shaped The Genre - Andrew Liptak for Polygon
2021Worlds Without End: Award Winning Books by Women Authors
2021NPR Books Summer Poll 2021: A Decade of Great Sci-Fi and Fantasy
2022The Greatest Science Fiction Books of the 2010s - The Portalist
The City in the Middle of the Night Charlie Jane Anders 2019
Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel
Hugo Award - Novel Finalist
2021Worlds Without End: Award Winning Books by Women Authors
The Collapsing Empire John Scalzi 2017
Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel
Hugo Award - Novel Finalist
2021NPR Books Summer Poll 2021: A Decade of Great Sci-Fi and Fantasy
2024Best Sci-Fi of the 2010s - Goodreads/Listopia (1/29/24)
Cryptonomicon Neal Stephenson 1999
Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel
Hugo Award - Novel Finalist
2003The Cambridge Companion to Science Fiction edited by Edward James and Farah Mendlesohn
2004Anatomy of Wonder: A Critical Guide to Science Fiction, 5th Edition by Neil Barron
2011NPR Top 100 Science-Fiction, Fantasy Books
2012Locus Poll Best 20th Century Science Fiction Novels
2012AbeBooks: 50 Essential Science Fiction Books
2016Ranker: The Greatest Science Fiction Novels of All Time
2019Worlds Without End: Most Read Books of All-Time
2020The Best Modern Classic Science Fiction Books
Cyteen C. J. Cherryh 1988
Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel
Hugo Award - Novel Winner
1996The Best 105 Books Since the Invention of the Field in the Twenties - Age of Wonders by David G. Hartwell
1998Locus Poll Best All-Time Science Fiction Novels
2001200 Significant Science Fiction Books by Women, 1984-2001 by David G. Hartwell
2002Strictly Science Fiction: A Guide to Reading Interests by Diana Tixier Herald and Bonnie Kunzel
2004Anatomy of Wonder: A Critical Guide to Science Fiction, 5th Edition by Neil Barron
2005ISFDB Top 100 Books (Balanced List)
2009Mindblowing SF by Women and People of Color (
2011Internet Top 100 SF/Fantasy List
2012Locus Poll Best 20th Century Science Fiction Novels
2012Science Fiction the 101 Best Novels 1985-2010 by Damien Broderick and Paul Di Filippo
2014Mistressworks by Ian Sales
2016Goodreads Science Fiction Books by Female Authors
2016Sci-Fi Lists Top 200 - novel
2016Sci Femme: The Reading List edited by Shannon Turlington
2021Worlds Without End: Award Winning Books by Women Authors
Death's End Cixin Liu 2016
Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel
Hugo Award - Novel Finalist
2019100 Best Sci-Fi Books of All Time - Reedsydiscovery
A Desolation Called Peace Arkady Martine 2021
Hugo Award - Novel Winner
Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel
Nebula Award - Novel Finalist
2021Worlds Without End: Award Winning Books by Women Authors
The Diamond Age Neal Stephenson 1995
Hugo Award - Novel Winner
Nebula Award - Novel Finalist
Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel
1999The Internet Top 100 SF/Fantasy List
2003The Cambridge Companion to Science Fiction edited by Edward James and Farah Mendlesohn
2004Anatomy of Wonder: A Critical Guide to Science Fiction, 5th Edition by Neil Barron
2005ISFDB Top 100 Books (Balanced List)
2011NPR Top 100 Science-Fiction, Fantasy Books
2011Internet Top 100 SF/Fantasy List
2012Locus Poll Best 20th Century Science Fiction Novels
2012Science Fiction the 101 Best Novels 1985-2010 by Damien Broderick and Paul Di Filippo
2016Goodreads Best Science Fiction & Fantasy 200
2016Easton Press Masterpieces of Science Fiction
2016Goodreads Best Science Fiction 100
2016Ranker: The Greatest Science Fiction Novels of All Time
2016Gunn Center for the Study of Science Fiction: A Basic Science Fiction Library
2016Sci-Fi Lists Top 200 - novel
2019Worlds Without End: Most Read Books of All-Time
Doomsday Book Connie Willis 1992
Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel
Hugo Award - Novel Winner
Nebula Award - Novel Winner
1996North American College Courses in Science Fiction, Utopian Literature, and Fantasy edited by Arthur B. Evans
2001200 Significant Science Fiction Books by Women, 1984-2001 by David G. Hartwell
2003The Cambridge Companion to Science Fiction edited by Edward James and Farah Mendlesohn
2004Anatomy of Wonder: A Critical Guide to Science Fiction, 5th Edition by Neil Barron
2005ISFDB Top 100 Books (Balanced List)
2006100 Must-Read Science Fiction Novels
2011Internet Top 100 SF/Fantasy List
2011NPR Top 100 Science-Fiction, Fantasy Books
2012Locus Poll Best 20th Century Science Fiction Novels
2012Science Fiction the 101 Best Novels 1985-2010 by Damien Broderick and Paul Di Filippo
2014Mistressworks by Ian Sales
2016Book Riot 100 Must-Read Sci-Fi Fantasy Novels by Female Authors
2016Gunn Center for the Study of Science Fiction: A Basic Science Fiction Library
2016Sci-Fi Lists Top 200 - novel
2016Goodreads Best Science Fiction & Fantasy 200
2016Easton Press Masterpieces of Science Fiction
2016How Great Science Fiction Works by Gary K. Wolfe
2016SF Masterworks
2016Sci Femme: The Reading List edited by Shannon Turlington
2016Amazon: 100 Sci-Fi & Fantasy Books to Read in a Lifetime
2016Goodreads Science Fiction Books by Female Authors
2016Goodreads Best Science Fiction 100
2016Best-Sci-Fi-Books: 31 Best Literary Science Fiction Books
2019Worlds Without End: Most Read Books of All-Time
2019The Best Sci-Fi Books of All Time - Penguin Random House
2019100 Best Sci-Fi Books of All Time - Reedsydiscovery
2021Worlds Without End: Award Winning Books by Women Authors
Embassytown China Miéville 2011
Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel
Hugo Award - Novel Finalist
Nebula Award - Novel Finalist
2011Forbidden Planet: The 50 Books You MUST Read
2012Locus Poll Best 21st Century Science Fiction Novels
2012AbeBooks: 50 Essential Science Fiction Books
2016Sci-Fi Lists Top 200 - novel
2016Gunn Center for the Study of Science Fiction: A Basic Science Fiction Library
2016Goodreads Best Science Fiction of the 21st Century
2019Worlds Without End: Most Read Books of All-Time
2022Best Science Fiction of the 21st Century (Listopia/Goodreads 6/25/22)
2024Best Sci-Fi of the 2010s - Goodreads/Listopia (1/29/24)
The Fall of Hyperion Dan Simmons 1990
Nebula Award - Novel Finalist
British Science Fiction Association Awards
Hugo Award - Novel Finalist
Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel
1999The Internet Top 100 SF/Fantasy List
2005ISFDB Top 100 Books (Balanced List)
2011Internet Top 100 SF/Fantasy List
2011NPR Top 100 Science-Fiction, Fantasy Books
2016SF Masterworks
2016Goodreads Best Science Fiction 100
2016Ranker: The Greatest Science Fiction Novels of All Time
2016Goodreads Best Science Fiction & Fantasy 200
2016Gunn Center for the Study of Science Fiction: A Basic Science Fiction Library
2019Worlds Without End: Most Read Books of All-Time
2023My 25 Favourite Sci-Fi Books of All Time - Words in Time
Foundation's Edge Isaac Asimov 1982
Hugo Award - Novel Winner
Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel
Nebula Award - Novel Finalist
2005ISFDB Top 100 Books (Balanced List)
2011Internet Top 100 SF/Fantasy List
2016Goodreads Best Science Fiction & Fantasy 200
2016Gunn Center for the Study of Science Fiction: A Basic Science Fiction Library
2016Goodreads Best Science Fiction 100
2016Ranker: The Greatest Science Fiction Novels of All Time
2019Worlds Without End: Most Read Books of All-Time
Gateway Frederik Pohl 1977
Nebula Award - Novel Winner
John W. Campbell Memorial Award for Best Science Fiction Novel
Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel
Hugo Award - Novel Winner
1976The World of Science Fiction by Lester Del Rey
1984The Science Fiction Source Book edited by David Wingrove
1987Anatomy of Wonder: A Critical Guide to Science Fiction, 3rd Edition by Neil Barron
1987Locus Poll Best All-Time Science Fiction Novels
1996The Best 105 Books Since the Invention of the Field in the Twenties - Age of Wonders by David G. Hartwell
1996North American College Courses in Science Fiction, Utopian Literature, and Fantasy edited by Arthur B. Evans
1998Locus Poll Best All-Time Science Fiction Novels
2003The Cambridge Companion to Science Fiction edited by Edward James and Farah Mendlesohn
2004Anatomy of Wonder: A Critical Guide to Science Fiction, 5th Edition by Neil Barron
2005ISFDB Top 100 Books (Balanced List)
2011Internet Top 100 SF/Fantasy List
2011Forbidden Planet: The 50 Books You MUST Read
2012Locus Poll Best 20th Century Science Fiction Novels
2016SF Masterworks
2016Gunn Center for the Study of Science Fiction: A Basic Science Fiction Library
201675 Best New Wave Sci-Fi (1964-1983) Novels by Josh Glenn
2016Sci-Fi Lists Top 200 - novel
2016Goodreads Best Science Fiction & Fantasy 200
2016Easton Press Masterpieces of Science Fiction
2016Goodreads Best Science Fiction 100
2016Ranker: The Greatest Science Fiction Novels of All Time
2019Worlds Without End: Most Read Books of All-Time
Green Mars Kim Stanley Robinson 1993
Hugo Award - Novel Winner
Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel
Nebula Award - Novel Finalist
2005ISFDB Top 100 Books (Balanced List)
2011NPR Top 100 Science-Fiction, Fantasy Books
2016Gunn Center for the Study of Science Fiction: A Basic Science Fiction Library
2016Easton Press Masterpieces of Science Fiction
2019Worlds Without End: Most Read Books of All-Time
Hyperion Dan Simmons 1989
Hugo Award - Novel Winner
Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel
1994The Ultimate Guide to Science Fiction by David Pringle
1998Locus Poll Best All-Time Science Fiction Novels
1999The Internet Top 100 SF/Fantasy List
2003The Cambridge Companion to Science Fiction edited by Edward James and Farah Mendlesohn
2003The Internet Top 100 SF/Fantasy List
2004Anatomy of Wonder: A Critical Guide to Science Fiction, 5th Edition by Neil Barron
2005ISFDB Top 100 Books (Balanced List)
20091000 novels everyone must read (science fiction section)
2011NPR Top 100 Science-Fiction, Fantasy Books
2011Internet Top 100 SF/Fantasy List
2012Locus Poll Best 20th Century Science Fiction Novels
2012AbeBooks: 50 Essential Science Fiction Books
2016Gunn Center for the Study of Science Fiction: A Basic Science Fiction Library
2016SF Masterworks
2016Sci-Fi Lists Top 200 - novel
2016Easton Press Masterpieces of Science Fiction
2016Ranker: The Greatest Science Fiction Novels of All Time
2016Amazon: 100 Sci-Fi & Fantasy Books to Read in a Lifetime
2016Goodreads Best Science Fiction 100
2016Goodreads Best Science Fiction & Fantasy 200
2019Worlds Without End: Most Read Books of All-Time
2019The Best Sci-Fi Books of All Time - Penguin Random House
2019100 Best Sci-Fi Books of All Time - Reedsydiscovery
2020Top 100 Sci Fi Books - Movie Death Cult
202129 of the Best Science Fiction Books Everyone Should Read - WIRED UK
2022The 50 Best Sci-Fi Books of All Time - Esquire Magazine
2023Your Top Science Fiction Books Of All Time (Survey Results) - Media Death Cult
2024SciFiScavenger's 2024 Poll of All-Time Favorite SF Books
Ilium Dan Simmons 2003
Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel
Hugo Award - Novel Finalist
2012Locus Poll Best 21st Century Science Fiction Novels
2016Goodreads Best Science Fiction & Fantasy 200
2016Sci-Fi Lists Top 200 - novel
2016Goodreads Best Science Fiction of the 21st Century
2022Best Science Fiction of the 21st Century (Listopia/Goodreads 6/25/22)
2024Classic Science Fiction - 2000-2009 - Goodreads/Listopia (1/29/24)
The Integral Trees Larry Niven 1984
Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel
Hugo Award - Novel Finalist
Nebula Award - Novel Finalist
The Kaiju Preservation Society John Scalzi 2022
Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel
Hugo Award - Novel Finalist
The Many-Colored Land Julian May 1981
Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel
Hugo Award - Novel Finalist
Nebula Award - Novel Finalist
2011Internet Top 100 SF/Fantasy List
2014Mistressworks by Ian Sales
2016Sci-Fi Lists Top 200 - novel
Mirror Dance Lois McMaster Bujold 1994
Hugo Award - Novel Winner
Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel
2001200 Significant Science Fiction Books by Women, 1984-2001 by David G. Hartwell
2011Internet Top 100 SF/Fantasy List
2016Goodreads Science Fiction Books by Female Authors
2021Worlds Without End: Award Winning Books by Women Authors
Network Effect Martha Wells 2020
Nebula Award - Novel Winner
Hugo Award - Novel Winner
Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel
2021Worlds Without End: Award Winning Books by Women Authors
Passage Connie Willis 2001
Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel
Hugo Award - Novel Finalist
Nebula Award - Novel Finalist
2001200 Significant Science Fiction Books by Women, 1984-2001 by David G. Hartwell
2004Anatomy of Wonder: A Critical Guide to Science Fiction, 5th Edition by Neil Barron
2005ISFDB Top 100 Books (Balanced List)
2009Mindblowing SF by Women and People of Color (
2016Sci Femme: The Reading List edited by Shannon Turlington
2016Goodreads Best Science Fiction of the 21st Century
2021Worlds Without End: Award Winning Books by Women Authors
2022The 25 Best Sci-Fi Books from the 2000s Decade - The Portalist
The Postman David Brin 1985
Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel
John W. Campbell Memorial Award for Best Science Fiction Novel
Hugo Award - Novel Finalist
Nebula Award - Novel Finalist
1996North American College Courses in Science Fiction, Utopian Literature, and Fantasy edited by Arthur B. Evans
2005ISFDB Top 100 Books (Balanced List)
2011Internet Top 100 SF/Fantasy List
2016Goodreads Best Science Fiction & Fantasy 200
2016Sci-Fi Lists Top 200 - novel
2016Gunn Center for the Study of Science Fiction: A Basic Science Fiction Library
2016Easton Press Masterpieces of Science Fiction
2019Worlds Without End: Most Read Books of All-Time
Rainbows End Vernor Vinge 2006
Hugo Award - Novel Winner
Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel
2012Locus Poll Best 21st Century Science Fiction Novels
2016Sci-Fi Lists Top 200 - novel
2016Goodreads Best Science Fiction of the 21st Century
2019Worlds Without End: Most Read Books of All-Time
2022Best Science Fiction of the 21st Century (Listopia/Goodreads 6/25/22)
2022The 25 Best Sci-Fi Books from the 2000s Decade - The Portalist
2024Classic Science Fiction - 2000-2009 - Goodreads/Listopia (1/29/24)
Redshirts John Scalzi 2012
Hugo Award - Novel Winner
Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel
2016Gunn Center for the Study of Science Fiction: A Basic Science Fiction Library
2016Goodreads Best Science Fiction of the 21st Century
2019Worlds Without End: Most Read Books of All-Time
2019100 Best Sci-Fi Books of All Time - Reedsydiscovery
2020Top 100 Sci Fi Books - Movie Death Cult
2022Best Science Fiction of the 21st Century (Listopia/Goodreads 6/25/22)
2024Best Sci-Fi of the 2010s - Goodreads/Listopia (1/29/24)
The Rise of Endymion Dan Simmons 1997
Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel
Hugo Award - Novel Finalist
2011Internet Top 100 SF/Fantasy List
2019Worlds Without End: Most Read Books of All-Time
The Snow Queen Joan D. Vinge 1980
Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel
Nebula Award - Novel Finalist
Hugo Award - Novel Winner
2002Strictly Science Fiction: A Guide to Reading Interests by Diana Tixier Herald and Bonnie Kunzel
2004Anatomy of Wonder: A Critical Guide to Science Fiction, 5th Edition by Neil Barron
2005ISFDB Top 100 Books (Balanced List)
2011Internet Top 100 SF/Fantasy List
2014Mistressworks by Ian Sales
2016Sci Femme: The Reading List edited by Shannon Turlington
2016Sci-Fi Lists Top 200 - novel
2016Goodreads Science Fiction Books by Female Authors
2016Easton Press Masterpieces of Science Fiction
2016Book Riot 100 Must-Read Sci-Fi Fantasy Novels by Female Authors
2016Gunn Center for the Study of Science Fiction: A Basic Science Fiction Library
2021Worlds Without End: Award Winning Books by Women Authors
Speaker for the Dead Orson Scott Card 1986
Hugo Award - Novel Winner
Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel
Nebula Award - Novel Winner
2002Strictly Science Fiction: A Guide to Reading Interests by Diana Tixier Herald and Bonnie Kunzel
2003The Cambridge Companion to Science Fiction edited by Edward James and Farah Mendlesohn
2005ISFDB Top 100 Books (Balanced List)
2006100 Must-Read Science Fiction Novels
2011Internet Top 100 SF/Fantasy List
2012Locus Poll Best 20th Century Science Fiction Novels
2016Goodreads Best Science Fiction & Fantasy 200
2016Gunn Center for the Study of Science Fiction: A Basic Science Fiction Library
2016Sci-Fi Lists Top 200 - novel
2016Easton Press Masterpieces of Science Fiction
2016Goodreads Best Science Fiction 100
2016Ranker: The Greatest Science Fiction Novels of All Time
2019Worlds Without End: Most Read Books of All-Time
2020Top 100 Sci Fi Books - Movie Death Cult
2024SciFiScavenger's 2024 Poll of All-Time Favorite SF Books
Startide Rising David Brin 1983
Hugo Award - Novel Winner
Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel
Nebula Award - Novel Winner
1987Anatomy of Wonder: A Critical Guide to Science Fiction, 3rd Edition by Neil Barron
1996The Best 105 Books Since the Invention of the Field in the Twenties - Age of Wonders by David G. Hartwell
1998Locus Poll Best All-Time Science Fiction Novels
1999The Internet Top 100 SF/Fantasy List
2003The Internet Top 100 SF/Fantasy List
2003The Cambridge Companion to Science Fiction edited by Edward James and Farah Mendlesohn
2004Anatomy of Wonder: A Critical Guide to Science Fiction, 5th Edition by Neil Barron
2005ISFDB Top 100 Books (Balanced List)
2011Internet Top 100 SF/Fantasy List
2012Locus Poll Best 20th Century Science Fiction Novels
2016Gunn Center for the Study of Science Fiction: A Basic Science Fiction Library
2016Easton Press Masterpieces of Science Fiction
2016Goodreads Best Science Fiction & Fantasy 200
2016Sci-Fi Lists Top 200 - novel
2019Worlds Without End: Most Read Books of All-Time
System Collapse Martha Wells 2023
Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel
The Telling Ursula K. Le Guin 2000
Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel
2001200 Significant Science Fiction Books by Women, 1984-2001 by David G. Hartwell
2003The Cambridge Companion to Science Fiction edited by Edward James and Farah Mendlesohn
2016Sci Femme: The Reading List edited by Shannon Turlington
2021Worlds Without End: Award Winning Books by Women Authors
Titan John Varley 1979
Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel
Hugo Award - Novel Finalist
Nebula Award - Novel Finalist
2005ISFDB Top 100 Books (Balanced List)
2016Sci-Fi Lists Top 200 - novel
2016Gunn Center for the Study of Science Fiction: A Basic Science Fiction Library
To Say Nothing of the Dog Connie Willis 1998
Hugo Award - Novel Winner
Nebula Award - Novel Finalist
Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel
2001200 Significant Science Fiction Books by Women, 1984-2001 by David G. Hartwell
2014Best-Sci-Fi-Books: The 23 Best Science Fiction Books by Female Authors
2016SF Masterworks
2016Goodreads Best Science Fiction & Fantasy 200
2016Goodreads Science Fiction Books by Female Authors
2016Sci Femme: The Reading List edited by Shannon Turlington
2016Sci-Fi Lists Top 200 - novel
2019Worlds Without End: Most Read Books of All-Time
2020The Best Modern Classic Science Fiction Books
2021Worlds Without End: Award Winning Books by Women Authors
The Uplift War David Brin 1987
Hugo Award - Novel Winner
Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel
Nebula Award - Novel Finalist
2004Anatomy of Wonder: A Critical Guide to Science Fiction, 5th Edition by Neil Barron
2011Internet Top 100 SF/Fantasy List
2016Goodreads Best Science Fiction & Fantasy 200
2016Sci-Fi Lists Top 200 - novel
2016Gunn Center for the Study of Science Fiction: A Basic Science Fiction Library
2019Worlds Without End: Most Read Books of All-Time
The Years of Rice and Salt Kim Stanley Robinson 2002
Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel
Hugo Award - Novel Finalist
2003The Cambridge Companion to Science Fiction edited by Edward James and Farah Mendlesohn
2004Anatomy of Wonder: A Critical Guide to Science Fiction, 5th Edition by Neil Barron
20091000 novels everyone must read (science fiction section)
2012Locus Poll Best 21st Century Science Fiction Novels
2016Goodreads Best Science Fiction of the 21st Century
2022Best Science Fiction of the 21st Century (Listopia/Goodreads 6/25/22)
2024Classic Science Fiction - 2000-2009 - Goodreads/Listopia (1/29/24)
The Yiddish Policemen's Union Michael Chabon 2007
Nebula Award - Novel Winner
Hugo Award - Novel Winner
Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel
2012Locus Poll Best 21st Century Science Fiction Novels
2012Science Fiction the 101 Best Novels 1985-2010 by Damien Broderick and Paul Di Filippo
2016Gunn Center for the Study of Science Fiction: A Basic Science Fiction Library
2016Goodreads Best Science Fiction of the 21st Century
2019Worlds Without End: Most Read Books of All-Time
2022Best Science Fiction of the 21st Century (Listopia/Goodreads 6/25/22)
2024Classic Science Fiction - 2000-2009 - Goodreads/Listopia (1/29/24)
Books: 45